The java code:

// program

// This program will guide you through the process of determine

// Which coin in your basket is the heaviest one.

// the program guide the user step by step how to scale the coins

// untill he finds the heaviest coin in his basket.

// te program also counts the number of scales until the coin is

// found.

// writen by Naftali Feldman for Programming Languages class. Fall 97.

import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.Applet;

public class CoinsApp extends Applet


Label prompt,observation,directions;

TextField input,observation_input;

int num_of_coins, counter, temp, option;

public void init()


prompt= new Label ("First Enter the number of coins that you have and press ENTER: ");

observation= new Label("Your observation is: ");

directions= new Label("Now read the directions below");

input= new TextField( 5 );

observation_input= new TextField (2);

add (prompt);

add (input);

add (directions);

add (observation);

add (observation_input);





public void paint ( Graphics g )


if (num_of_coins>1)



num_of_coins /= 2;

if ((num_of_coins*2)!=temp)

g.drawString("Leaving one coin in the side ",20,150);

g.drawString("Please put on scale: " +num_of_coins+ " (on left side). " +num_of_coins+ " (on right side).",20,160);

g.drawString("and enter your observation choice (1-3) in the appropriate box above.",20,170);

g.drawString("1= the LEFT side of the scale is heavier.",20, 190);

g.drawString("2= the RIGHT side of the scale is heavier.",20,200);

g.drawString("3= BOTH sides of the scale are equal.",20,210);

} else if ((num_of_coins==1) && (option!=0)) option=3;

switch(option) {

case 1:

g.drawString("using only the coins from left side...",20,140);


case 2:

g.drawString("using only the coins from right side...",20,140);


case 3:

g.drawString("The individual coin is the heaviest one. YOU HAVE FOUND IT !!! " +counter+ " steps",5,120);




public boolean action (Event event, Object o )


if ( == input) {

num_of_coins=Integer.parseInt( input.getText() );



if ( == observation_input) {

option=Integer.parseInt( observation_input.getText() );

if ((option<=3) && (option>=1)) {





return true;

